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Religious Items / Baptism and Communion

Baptism and Communion is a page dedicated to Baptism and Communion articles such as rosaries, candles, albums. Free deliveries (cart value depending).

Terço em vidro branco, ideal para oferecer na Primeira Comunhão. Cruz com os símbolos da hóstia, o cálice, a espiga, as uvas e o pão.Caixa branca em cartão com os símbolos da comunhão, estampados.
Material: Vidro, metal e cartão
Cor: Branco
Dimensões: 35 cm
Terço de vidro, pérola, com cruz onde estão representados os símbolos da comunhão. O terço vem dentro de um saquinho, numa caixa de cartão branca e dourada.
Material: Vidro
Cor: Pérola
Dimensões do terço: 41,5 cm
Vela branca em formato oval com laço em tecido cor-de-rosa.
Cor: Branco e Rosa
Dimensões: 3 x 30 cm
Language: Spanish
Publisher: Encuentro
Year: 2019
Pages: 48
Dimensions: 23.6 x 22.3 cm
ISBN: 978-84-9055-964-2
With the YouCat album for First Communion you can keep the most significant memories of one of the most wonderful and unforgettable days. Photographs, dedications, stories and illustrations with which to recall a very special moment on the path of friendship with Jesus.

Baptism and Communion are two of the sacraments of Christian initiation. To help you experience these important sacraments of the Christian life, we have a wide variety of baptism and communion candles, albums, rosaries, with free delivery (cart value depending).